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Your Dentist for TMJ problems

Your Dentist for TMJ problems


Grinding your teeth sounds much more harmless than it is: temporomandibular joint problems can be the cause of chronic back pain, headaches, and teeth that increasingly shift. If left untreated, there may even be long-term problems with intervertebral discs, hips, and legs. Although craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) has far-reaching consequences for the entire organism, it often remains unrecognized: to understand CMD symptoms in context, you have to be a professional. But now the good news: We are.

This is how it works

Initial Examination

Initial Examination

In the first appointment, we examine the entire jaw system in detail: We locate the precise position of your jaws and teeth. We then find out whether and where there is increased sensitivity to pressure or if there is evidence of grinding.



Based on the findings, a custom-fitting splint is created, a Botox injection against grinding may be recommended, or even physical therapy is prescribed. In the long term, dental treatments such as the (re)fabrication of restorations, f.e. crowns or onlays may also be necessary.



At the next appointment, we will take care of inserting the splints or any further needed actions. This may subsequently require special measurements of the two jaws (upper and lower) and the positional relationship between them. In the so-called manual and subsequent dental-instrumental functional analysis, the exact causes of problems can be determined in order to find a causal solution. Talk to us!

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Your visit to the dentist
as it should be.

A dentist who always finds time for you

A dentist who always finds time for you

A dentist who always finds time for you

Appointments with us are quick and uncomplicated. We don't want to keep you waiting in the practice either - that's why we organize the processes so that your turn comes quickly. And we take all the time you need in the treatment room.

Appointments with us are quick and uncomplicated. We don't want to keep you waiting in the practice either - that's why we organize the processes so that your turn comes quickly. And we take all the time you need in the treatment room.

Easy appointment booking

Easy appointment booking

Easy appointment booking

In the 21st century, technology also makes many things possible in the healthcare sector - but often not for everyone. With us, all patients benefit from state-of-the-art dentistry: from 3D treatment planning to independent digital management of your data.

In the 21st century, technology also makes many things possible in the healthcare sector - but often not for everyone. With us, all patients benefit from state-of-the-art dentistry: from 3D treatment planning to independent digital management of your data.

With us, it's you who decides.

With us, it's you who decides.

With us, it's you who decides.

We believe that you should have the last word when it comes to your mouth. And that's how we treat you: That's why Dental21 practices always give you a choice of different custom-fit solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs financially, aesthetically and medically.

We believe that you should have the last word when it comes to your mouth. And that's how we treat you: That's why Dental21 practices always give you a choice of different custom-fit solutions that are precisely tailored to your needs financially, aesthetically and medically.

Our network is optimally interlocked

Our network is optimally interlocked

Our network is optimally interlocked

Whether you need pain management, desire an implant, or need jaw surgery: We have specialists - for everything. And they all work hand in hand to ensure you the best possible individual result.

Whether you need pain management, desire an implant, or need jaw surgery: We have specialists - for everything. And they all work hand in hand to ensure you the best possible individual result.

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find frequently asked questions from our patients at Dental21, currently answered by our competent practice team. If your question still remains unanswered, contact us directly and tell us your question.

Was sind die Symptome bei Kiefergelenksproblemen / CMD?

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Die typischen Symptome für eine CMD sind: Kieferschmerzen, nächtliches Zähneknirschen (Bruxismus), Verspannungen der Kaumuskulatur, Kopf-, Nacken- & Rückenschmerzen und Ohrgeräusche (Tinnitus). Wenn Sie unter diesen oder ähnlichen Symptomen leiden, zögern Sie nicht und machen Sie sich jetzt ganz einfach online einen Termin für Ihre Kiefergelenksbehandlung. Wir können dann die richtige Diagnose stellen und einen CMD Therapieplan aufsetzen und begleiten.

Wie können Kiefergelenksprobleme behandelt werden?

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Die Behandlung von Kiefergelenksproblemen (CMD) ist komplex und bedarf einer fundierten Diagnostik. Durch unsere langjährige Erfahrung, dem Einsatz von modernen Methoden und Geräten und der engen Zusammenarbeit mit erfahrenen Physiotherapeuten und Orthopäden sind Sie bei uns sehr gut aufgehoben. Buchen Sie jetzt einfach online Ihren Kontrolltermin für eine Kiefergelenksbehandlung.

Was bedeutet CMD?

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CMD steht für Craniomandibuläre Dysfunktion. Da es sehr viele unterschiedliche Kiefergelenkserkrankungen gibt, werden diese ganz allgemein unter dem Begriff Craniomandibuläre Dysfunktion (CMD) zusammengefasst. Betroffen sind Erkrankungen der Zähne, Kiefergelenke und Kaumuskulatur.